7 wellness exercises to practice in less than 5 minutes
The much-needed exercises you can easily implement!
- Written by Aimee S
Sometimes time just gets away from us, and taking care of ourselves can easily fall off the radar. Whether it’s your weekly Pilates class, catching up with a friend for coffee, or reading your book – if we miss these little routines, we can feel our body and mind go a little wild and it’s important to reset that.
Well we’ve got your back – in five minutes or less, below are 7 practices to help get you back on track. You don’t have to do all of them to reap the rewards, just select a few that will help you improve your self-care and before you know it, you’ll feel on top of the world again.
1. Have a hot shower
Being in hot water is great for alleviating body tension and can help ease muscle fatigue. And plus, there's nothing better than feeling squeaky clean, right? Use a dry brush to scrub your bod all over beforehand to stimulate the lymphatic system and promote smoother skin, pour some epsom salts in and a nice bath bomb, give your hair a good wash and voila! You'll feel like a new human.
2. Put your diffuser or oil burner on
Top up your diffuser or oil burner with water then add a few drops of an essential oil such as lavender, clary sage, sandalwood, chamomile or bergamot – all of which have a relaxing or calming effect. If you need an energy boost get you through that afternoon slump, peppermint, frankincense, rosemary or a citrus scent like lemon or orange are perfect for that natural lift. It's also a great way to make your house smell utterly delightful.
3. Water your plants
Indoors or outdoors – wherever it is, don't underestimate the importance of water for your plants. Water helps carry the nutrients from the soil to the plant cells, keeps them hydrated and thus they stay healthy and strong. The benefits don't stop there — caring for plants can do wonders for your mental and physical wellbeing[1]. Simply by interacting with nature, mental acuity is improved and anxiety levels reduced[2]. And who doesn't love being surrounded by a verdant, wholesome garden?
4. Make a cup of tea
It's not surprising to learn that tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world after water[3]: a variety of teas have been known to boost your immune system, fight off inflammation and are packed with antioxidants.[4] Whether it's herbal and caffeinated tea, a warm cup of tea is comfort with a capital C. Peppermint is a fantastic energy booster, or try dandelion for a vitamin rich detox. Chamomile is perfect to wind down with before bedtime; and come daybreak, a strong cup of English Breakfast is the one of best reasons to get out of bed!
3. Water your plants
Indoors or outdoors – wherever it is, don't underestimate the importance of water for your plants. Water helps carry the nutrients from the soil to the plant cells, keeps them hydrated and thus they stay healthy and strong. The benefits don't stop there — caring for plants can do wonders for your mental and physical wellbeing[1]. Simply by interacting with nature, mental acuity is improved and anxiety levels reduced[2]. And who doesn't love being surrounded by a verdant, wholesome garden?
4. Make a cup of tea
It's not surprising to learn that tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world after water[3]: a variety of teas have been known to boost your immune system, fight off inflammation and are packed with antioxidants.[4] Whether it's herbal and caffeinated tea, a warm cup of tea is comfort with a capital C. Peppermint is a fantastic energy booster, or try dandelion for a vitamin rich detox. Chamomile is perfect to wind down with before bedtime; and come daybreak, a strong cup of English Breakfast is the one of best reasons to get out of bed!
5. Take a deep breath
Breathing exercises or meditation are incredibly effective in terms of countering any stress or anxiety you may be experiencing (or even if you’re not). Taking five minutes a day to let go, breathe and recharge, will help decrease blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen consumption and overall nurture peace of mind. Simply lie down with your eyes closed, place hands on your belly and take some deep breaths.
6. Simple stretches
Stretching is the perfect way to revitalise, release stress and can easily be done in a five-minute window. If you've been sitting at your desk or on the couch for an extended period of time, your muscles tighten up and get a bit stiff – so stand up, get the blood flowing and move your body to help restore mental clarity, boost your mood and overall feel better!
Fitness Blender on You Tube has some great short videos to get you started.
7. Take your supplements
You know how good they are for you, so make a routine out of it. Having everything you need in one spot, at the same time will not only do wonders for your health, but the added satisfaction of ticking it off your daily to-do list.
Our supplements such as Vitality, Shine and Shieldare all water soluble, which means they get into your cells rapidly and effectively — moreover, they can easily be mixed together with some water for a quick breakfast drink.
[1] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211335516301401
[3] https://www.cafeculture.com/industry/general-interest/tea-is-the-second-most-consumed-beverage-worldwide
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