The Single’s Guide to Valentine’s Day
Don't have a date this Valentine's? No worries. We have you covered
- Written by Yoommy Nam
February 14th - the one day of the year that can single-handedly boost the confidence of those with requited love and signify impending doom for those without. It’s a day that gives lovers an opportunity to express their feelings through gifts, words of affirmation, and quality time that’s usually not as prioritised for the other 364 days of the year; whilst simultaneously giving singles access to a megaphone for self-doubt and a one-way ticket to Sombreville. It’s polarizing, sure, but with the right mindset and a good ol’ fashioned self-help blog from a seasoned pro, it doesn’t have to be.
Believed to have originated in the Roman festival, Lupercalia, that celebrated the coming of spring and the purification of the city to release health and fertility, the day was coined St Valentine's Day in the 5th century by Pope Gelasius 1. It then became a celebration of romance from around the 14th century. [1] So, that’s approximately 7 centuries worth of singles waiting for proclamations of love that never arrive and passive-aggressive side-eyes at those revelling in their romance!
Now, if you rejoice on Valentine’s Day because you have that special someone to spoil and be spoiled by, that’s fantastic. But those who either cringe as the inevitable day closes in or see it as just another day on the calendar, you too, can rejoice and jump on the celebratory bandwagon with everyone else.
Here are some great ways to turn that frown upside-down and spend the day just as loved-up:
#1 Treat Yourself
You don’t need another person to spoil when you’ve got someone who’s been through thick and thin with you, listens to your every word, shares the same hobbies and tastes, and damn-right deserves to be spoiled, right in front of you. That’s right, yourself! Get a massage, buy that expensive thing you’ve been putting off, take yourself out to that fancy restaurant, that movie you've been dying to see, or soak in a luxurious bubble bath and indulge in that trashy Netflix series. That way, February 14th will soon become the best day of the year aka Treat Yourself Day (hi fellow Parks & Rec fans!).
#2 Plan a Getaway
It could be with a friend, a family member, or you can just go on your own! The beauty of being in a completely different environment from the usual ho-hum of your daily life can make you forget it’s even Valentine’s Day at all.
#3 Host a PALentine’s Day get-together
The quickest way to feeling grateful and loved-up is to surround yourself with those you love. It could be a potluck situation, or you could cook up an awesome meal and have guests bring dessert, you could have a picnic at the park, go hiking, have a games night - the opportunities are endless.
#4 Have a workout
I know, that may not immediately sound appealing for some but stay with me - chemically, this is a full-proof way to improve your mood. Not only will this release the ‘feel-good hormones’ we know as endorphins, but the feeling of empowerment that comes with self-improvement and productivity will only result in good things.
#3 Host a PALentine’s Day get-together
The quickest way to feeling grateful and loved-up is to surround yourself with those you love. It could be a potluck situation, or you could cook up an awesome meal and have guests bring dessert, you could have a picnic at the park, go hiking, have a games night - the opportunities are endless.
#4 Have a workout
I know, that may not immediately sound appealing for some but stay with me - chemically, this is a full-proof way to improve your mood. Not only will this release the ‘feel-good hormones’ we know as endorphins, but the feeling of empowerment that comes with self-improvement and productivity will only result in good things.
#5 Spread the Love
This one is the most important - if not what all the other ones are essentially about. Showing your love and appreciation to anyone is a surefire way to feel love and appreciation within yourself; and vice-versa. There are innumerous ways to express that love but here are a few to get you started:
1. Volunteer
Whether it’s at an animal shelter, nursing home, children’s hospital, what have you, knowing you’re putting good into the world by helping those in need will not only empower those you help (with the added bonus of yourself!), it will inspire others to do the same.
2. Engage in a random act of kindness
Pay for someone’s coffee, groceries, meal etc.; text someone you haven’t spoken to in a while and pay them a compliment; if you’re an employer, give someone a pay-rise or bonus; apologise to that coworker you’ve been holding a grudge against; and the list goes on.
3. Take your parent/s out
Whether you can agree on how they go about it, chances are, you’re their greatest love (warts and all). The thing about that is, it’s easy to forget when you’ve seen each other’s warts and all so often and for so long. That said, even if it’s one day of the year, spend some time with them and show them your appreciation.
4. Create a vision board
This not only serves as a foundational catapult for all of the above to get rolling, the act itself can be therapeutic and inversely, an act of self-love.
Which brings me to this - loving someone else and loving yourself aren’t mutually exclusive. Being able to show your love for someone should be just as easy and as important as showing it to yourself. Moreover, a day marked on the calendar doesn’t have to dictate when or how you go about that love. Just as couples who may see Valentine’s Day as their one opportunity of the year to showcase their feelings, other couples may choose not to entertain it at all. Not because of complacency or ingratitude but because they choose to showcase their feelings more often, throughout the year. The same principle applies to those who are unattached. So, if there’s only one takeaway here, let it be that Valentine’s Day is just another day of the year….for love - for everyone.
Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!
Yoommy Nam
Yoommy is a contributing writer for Truth Origins/Naturals. With a BA in Journalism, she has a penchant for research and an insatiable curiosity. Her twenty-year love for health and fitness also comes with five years of work experience in supplementation. She prides herself on her knowledge of both worldy topics and pop-culture references - look out unsuspecting Gen Z-ers! She enjoys MMA, dance, resistance training, soccer, and any story that informs on the human condition - be it through the written word, film, music, or just a killer chat.
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